Frank Parisi Photography website: Exciting new things to see--

August 16, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

     Reflection of pavilion.Reflection of pavilion.    AJOEPARISI7818642392MARCOISLANDFL


As promised, I have been very busy the last few weeks updating, revising, expanding, and improving this website for your viewing pleasure--in addition to shooting more great photographs!

The new items include:

- A new layout for the homepage, the blog and the "All Photos" page, with larger photographs and easier to use tabs to different galleries and different parts of the website;

- New galleries, including: "Beachy," "Great Faces," and "New York. " Also, two more timely galleries: "Works on Display", which show the works that are currently on exhibit at different shows in New Jersey, and "Just Captured," photographs that have been taken to date during the current month--some as recently as last night!  Both of these two galleries will be updated either daily or weekly, to allow you to see my latest work ASAP.

- More competitive pricing for all items, from photographic prints of all different sizes, to other items that feature my photographs, including mugs, playing cards, and shirts.

- Increased ease of order and purchase, to enable you to get any item more quickly and easily from the site and to be kept informed about the progress of your order.

- A "Photo Events Calendar" has been added (with a tab on the homepage) to let you know where me or my work will be available to see, as an exhibit, or to purchase, within the next few months.

    I hope that you like the changes and that they enhance your pleasure when visiting the website.  More changes will be come and there will always be updates about upcoming opportunities to see my work, so stay tuned.  If you have any comments or suggestions, please drop me a line.  I love to get real mail (not spam).



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